Sunday, April 20, 2003

Merry Easter!!

My friend Caleb and I are planning to make a webcomic ... him being the muscles and I being the brains, and him being the brains to. So basically, him making a webcomic and me giving the occasional suggestion. But anyway, today we had a plot-hashing session ... where we just chewed over all these potential ideas for the plot of the thing. Good fun!

And I'm feeling good today, albeit tired, which is a rarity.

And I like RPGs. ^^

And I started writing a story! It's entitled "The Preceding Ode" and, well ... it'll be interesting. It should work on my un-1337 action-writing skillz. It's only in the primary drafts right now, but it should be improving and taking shape soon. Right now it's all foreshadow-y and hinting and stuff ... and setting up plot devices and neat little writer-tools.

Boy, did I just make it sound like writing is complicated or what? >< I suppose it's an attempt at glorifying one of the few things I'm halfway-decent at ...

I suppose this where I write something deeply religious and moving ... which really isn't my style, since I'm a big lazy bum. So I'll give it a shot anyway: I'm glad Easter came about. I know that if Jesus didn't die for my sins, then I'd suffer eternal condemnation, because, let's face it, I'm a morally weak person who doesn't have the guts to stand by his principles to the death. So I'm absolutely overjoyed that someone was willing to die for me. I know I couldn't do it. Here's to you, Christ Jesus!

Anyway, Merry Easter! I hope everyone who reads this got lots of candy or money or whatever it is you people get on this day!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

For the first time in weeks, I was struck by a certain thought ...

"Boy, it's good to be alive."

Not that you guys (all none of you) should worry about me. I'm just satisfied with my indifference towards everything. But then today, as I was walking out of school (to detention, no less), I was just ... slapped upside the head by that thought. And I liked it.

Oh, on further note ... my friend Allison told me that I should get a date to Prom. I said that I didn't really know anyone, and she said something along the lines of "There's four sitting right behind you." Then she requested I name a reason why I wasn't going to Prom. I told her that I didn't want to go stag, I knew of no one who would go with me that I'd be comfortable with, that I was poor, and that my cousin was being married the same day, so I might as well go to that instead.

And she responded with something to the effect of "It annoys me when people feel sorry for themselves. Self-pity is disgusting." To which I replied that I don't feel sorry for myself, that I am perfectly indifferent to it, and that, in a strange way, I was satisfied with my indifference. That probably could have gotten a girlfriend if I changed myself in certain ways, but I don't think that I should do such a thing for such a reason. And she said that was even worse.

So I shrugged and walked off back to my RPG. ^^

And I still need to write something to get those creative juices flowing. I think I said it best yesterday when I said I feel "bottled up." I really do feel like that ... all this stuff stuck inside that's trying and trying to get out, but it can't because the exit is clogged.

Ew, that sounded gross. >)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Boy, am I tired.

I had a math test today. I'm exhausted. Both physically and spiritually. Is there such a thing as over-prayer?

I hope not.

I really need to write more. I'm feeling bottled up. I need some kind of written creative release. But the hardest thing about the whole concept is getting started. I -hate- getting started. But I'll need to. I'd ask for suggestions, but nobody reads this anyway.

... oh, yesterday was Tax Day.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Warg ... Sorry guys, but I've been depressed as of late. Mostly it revolves around my Prom date-- or lack thereof. Yes, it seems that even I, the Master of Wit and Wisdom, the Seer of Inane Sayings and Insanity, cannot get a date.

So I'm depressed.

And this is only compounded on the fact that, hey, I've been dateless my entire life. So now I'm sitting here at my computer, getting my daily dosage of radiation, and plotting against the world.

Just like the old days.

Not that there were any new ones. Anyway, my friend Caleb (who is, naturally, able to get any girl he wants just by saying "Yo, babe!") would help me out by seeing if there were any girls who would consider an atrocity as despicable as going to Prom with me.

I think I might try that "Yo, babe!" thing. It seems to work for him.

So in the meantime, I'm running around the school like Marvin the Manic-Depressive Robot, hoping that someone won't find it beneath their dignity to go out with me. You wouldn't think it would be quite as atrocious as it seems, since I have so many friends. But, alas and a lack, I can't get a girlfriend. And I would consider asking someone to go just as a friend, but all the girls I'd ask to go like that already have -real- dates.

So I'm screwed again.

And then we get onto the subject of Precal. I -suck- at Precal. And I have no idea how I'm going to manage that class. But if I actually apply myself properly, I might be able to squeeze through. Which reminds me, I gotta go study some now ...

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

So today's Wednesday. Yep, Hump Day. So called because it humps, I think.

Either way, I'm trying to convince my friend Caleb to do an online comic. If he does, it'd be hosted at my website, and it would SOOOOO rock! He's an awesome artist, and a fairly good story-teller. I'd help him get started with the plot, and then he'd have the 1337 skillz to just go -crazy- with it. Gotta love that.

I am so tired right now. But I finally feel able to express some artistic angst through this RPG I'm doing. It's really fun, but it's a private thing, so I can't tell you guys where it is.

Good news, as well: AT&T was bought out by Comcast, and Comcast isn't blocking my friend's website anymore. And since they aren't blocking his, mine is up and running again, too! Yay!! [wavies flag] This is good news because now I can actually update my site again and ... express more artistic angst.

Or some political statement like that.

Also ... today they tore down the Saddam Hussein statue in Baghdad. Good news, I think. But a precursor to some potential bad news ... this war is winding up, the UN will be taking over soon ... and then I predict we have a couple-month-to-couple-year break, and then war with North Korea. And that means that I'll probably get drafted ...

Oh well. Happiness for now! I'm trying to be more chipper.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Just made this blog. Woo-hoo!

Anyway ... been a stressfull past couple of days. Lots of work to do because of my Eagle Scout project. I run around rampant before I finally have the Board of Review on Wednesday ... only I don't, because I thought the coordinator was supposed to bring some paperwork, but it turns out -I- was supposed to. And, needless to say, I didn't. So I had it rescheduled for Friday; that is, tomorrow. Which means yesterday and today I am running around rampant again, attempting to get all the proper signatures and endorsements and dates to put on this confounded sheet of paper. And with any luck, I'll get it all done.

On further note, today is my sister's birthday.