Friday, May 30, 2003

Hey guys! There's more readers out there these days ... now that I've shamelessly plugged my website on my AIM info. ^^

Bye seniors. [cries] I missed you at school today.

On further note, I went camera-crazy today!! Got tons of pictures of my friends at school and stuff!! I love cameras!! I'm trying to get a digital camera to take on things like Anime Expo, Gloria Shields Newspaper Camp, and Boy Scout camp. Either way, it was really fun getting some of those pictures. Like Allison and Lauryn. ^^ And, of course, Olga trying to hide behind people in the group picture. Always fun!

Um, I'm really confused today, random readers. >< Someone said I was hot. x.x The exact quote was "you look hot in that pic." Kinda weirdin' me out. I mean, no one says that stuff about me. It's really confusing to have someone say that to you after seventeen years of being dateless. 'cuz it's apparently not true, but then they sound sincere about it ... kinda funky. I think I'm just going to write it off to either temporary insanity or heat fatigue, and then just keep it remembered in one of those little private places deep in the recesses of my mind. ^^

Thank you God. >< Only four more school days left, and one of 'em is a half-day.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Alright, that's it! MATRIX RELOADED ROCKED!!

I honestly have no idea what the frick everybody's whining about!? >< I loved both The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded! Each had their own pluses and minuses ... the best way to describe it, though is this: The Matrix was chocked full of ground-breaking new concepts. The Matrix Reloaded actually brought those to fruition. I felt, as I watched Reloaded, that I was finally seeing what those little thoughts and ideas were actually capable of.

Enough about movies. ^^ I'm soooo gonna miss my uber-cool senior friends! >< [cries] Guys, I love ya! I realize that, well, I've been known to be a little off-the-wall, and sometimes I can appear a bit moody. And more often than not, I'm rather annoyin' ... but I love ya. >< I'll miss Phildo's insane violence, Cody's random moods, Thomas' constant attacking of the girls [koffkoff], shoving Niki every time I see her, M.S. trying to act cool (and failing ^^), Matt's attempts at being aloof, Tyler's whimsical-ness whenever he bothers to show up ... I could go on and on. >< Man, I hate to see ya go, guys!

It'll be a fun summer, I think. I'm ready for school to end.

Sunday, May 25, 2003


Good fun last night! A nice farewell to some very good friends. I'll miss those guys so hard.

I get to see Matrix Reloaded tomorrow!! HOORAH!!!

My website has been revived. It's good fun. Be expecting some fun and cool stuff on it! I'll be putting up a couple of pieces of writing and stuff, posting random pictures, and improving the quotations part.

On another note, I took a web personality quiz and found out I'm the perfect girlfriend.

... [sweatdrop] I'm not sure how to take that.

Anyway, I'm in a fairly good mood but wish I could be talking to a couple of people right now, but can't. Um, that's all! ^^

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Wow, it's only been three days! ^^

Anyway, today is the day of Band Banquet. Over here in Texas, we have "banquets" for all the clubs at the end of the year. Basically, we sit down, we eat a nice meal, and then we hang out with old buddies one last time before summer kicks in and stuff.

It's a formal event ... hence "banquet" rather than "Barbeque!"

Anyway ... I'm tired and kinda depressed. No date for band banquet this year, which brings the grand total up to three. All my friends have one, though. Plus I'm sick. Which never really makes anyone happy, y'know? And then I was waiting for a phone call from a good friend of mine so she could cheer me up before I went to the band banquet, and I missed it because I was laying in bed, being sick. >< Blast and condemnation.

Well, tonight should be really fun, if I can get over this initial depression. It always is. I'll be sure to get pictures of my friends and stuff and put them up on my website once it gets revived.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

It sucked.

Yeah, cousin's wedding sucked. Pretty danged badly. I mean, Prom is the first chance in my LIFE in which I had the possibility of getting a girlfriend. But that chanced get dashed against the rocks ... again and again and again. And instead, I have to sit there and watch two people pledge eternal love to each other rather than be off enjoying my adolescence and experiencing love for the first time myself.

Not that I am bitter.

However, I did have some fun over the past ... week or so. I did some exciting writing on Sandra's website ( ) ... so let's see if you non-existant readers can figure out which ones are mine. ^^ That was really fun stuff to write.

Speaking of writing ... I'm required to send some of my writing to a publisher or something of that sort for English class. I'm sending my short story "Simple Dreamer" to a contest. Hopefully I'll get $250 if I win! But I doubt I will ...

Congratulations and felicitations goes out to Erika, Kyle, and Tyra who all got Drum Major. [applause] Good job; I had you three nailed for the position after watching you for an hour and a half. ^^

We'll find out what the band placement is sometime next week ... Hopefully.

On the subject of hope, I'm really hoping to get my website back up soon. [crosses fingers] I'm afraid I might have to switch to a paysite for a host, and that means it'll have to wait until I get a job. But I'll need a job anyway, because I need money for AX.

As a final note, which ties in with the first, I've given up on love. All it ever does is kick you in the teeth. I've spent the last ... oh, six or so years of my life harboring one crush after another on girls, asked several of them out, and only recieved rejection. It's really ... depressing. So I've decided that I won't go in search of love. If Love wants to find me, she can fichin' come to me herself. I'm tired of looking for her. I refuse to ask out girls now. Condemnation, if a girl wants to go out with me, she can ask me instead of vice versa.

On that note ... bye. ^^

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Alright ... my teeth feel -weird-. REALLY -weird-.

Slimey, naked, and ... un-protruding. So this is what it's like to have normal teeth ... O.o Interesting experience. Kinda depressed about it, though. Unfortunately, losing my braces didn't make me the babe-magnet it does everyone else. [sweatdrop] So far, I've gotten two compliments (well, three, but one was from a guy I'm pretty sure swings both ways. -.-) ... and one friend's reaction was "Oh! You got your braces off! I hate you!" Ah, well ... c'est la vie.

So I'm going to my cousin's wedding instead of Prom. Boooring, I bet. And all because I can't find someone who'd wanna go with me. Oh well, it only goes to qualify the earlier statement about not being a babe-magnet. Sorry about bringing this up again ... but I'm brooding over my lack of Prom. And I probably won't go next year because I don't have too many friends my age; all of them are graduating this year.

Drum Major tryouts were interesting. I think I flunked, but I just hope my score was good enough to impress Weisberg into not underestimating anyone. But I doubt that could ever happen.

My auditions for band placement went better than that, though. I think I did fairly well. Upper Symphonic Band or, should Weisberg decide to let bygones be bygones, possibly even Wind Ensemble. But that's pushing it. Oh well, it'll be interesting.

I'm thinking about applying for a job at Tom Thumb ...

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Wow! Been a good two weeks, I suppose.

Got my SAT scores back. Not sure when exactly it was, but I'm still ridin' high. [got a 1360!] Yeah!! ... but the problem is, now I have no colleges to go to. >< My SAT scores are pretty good, which means that I, well ... should go to a pretty good school. But I have really bad grades. Therefore, I should go to a bad school. There's no school that actually matches my performances. Blast and condemnation.

On further notes, we had AP tests last week. Out of a range of 1-5, with three being passing for most colleges, I estimate I got a 5 on the English exam and a 3 on the U.S. History exam. [crosses fingers] Here's hopin'. I'll be sure to say what I got when I get the scores back in mid-July.

Tomorrow's a big day. For band, that is. It's the day of Drum Major auditions, which I'm participating in. I'm thinking that Erika and Kyle get it ... with Tyra as third. That leaves Nicole and I to battle out for fourth place. But the director will probably only want three, if that. Also, I will be auditioning for ban placement tomorrow. I play trumpet, you know. There'll be three bands at school next year: Wind Ensemble is the best, and then Symphonic Band and, following that, Concert band. I'm betting I make Symphonic. I think I have the skill to edge into Wind Ensemble, but ... the director and I are at odds. We don't like each other much.

Also, I get my braces off tomorrow!! Yay!! ^^

And update on my Prom situation: I'm not going. Instead, I shall be at my cousin's wedding. Honestly, I'd choose Prom over wedding any day, but ... without a date and without my parents being in town ... I have no choice in the matter. I'll miss you, my senior friends. Be sure to have a dance for me ... I think you guys can guess what I mean. ;)

I need to resurrect my website. Been working on appropriating funds for that. But, alas, I am poor. This is why I am trying to get a job ... and so I can have some money to blow at AX03! Heheh.

Tchao, all you non-existant readers!!