Sunday, June 22, 2003

Ten days have passed!! I feel so guilty for not updating!!

Like I said on my webpage, a lot of stuff has come up. I find myself rushing to get as much EverQuestin' in as I can before I leave in July. I'm writing letters to that certain friend in Spain, which probably isn't too wonderful for me, for the reason listed in my last blog. I've been trying to write and build up what little skill I have in that. I've been saying goodbye to my sister, because we will see each other for about five days this summer, starting two days ago. I've been doing a lot of tearful parting with some senior friends of mine ... people that I'm going to miss so badly it hurts during my next school year. I've been working on my drawing in the hopes that, if I get good enough, I can start a little webcomic of my own. And I've also been doing my fair share of sitting around doing nothing. It feels like, after the past school year, I could really use some sitting-around-time.

So that's where things stand on my point of view.

I need to ready myself for July ... July 1st through 8th, I am in Anaheim, California, for the Anime Expo 2003 convention. Immediately after I get back, I'm rushed to the Newspaper Camp for newspaper class at school. After that, I have a single day off, before I'm bustled across the state to Boy Scout summer camp. I should get back from this on the 19th or so ... I'm not exactly sure. Anyway, that's the plan! Here's hopin' it pulls through.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

There's something to be said for life ... though I personally have no idea what it is.

Hmm, well ... school's out. I woulda thought I would have felt a lot better. But I don't. There's reasons for that, mostly because of my sister and myself, but still. I'm kinda disappointed.

The disappointment also has something to do with a certain friend going to Spain for the summer. Gone for seven weeks, no less. I won't get to see her until I've only got about ... three weeks of summer left. And two weeks of that is marching season, of course. I'm not really sure if this is some kind of blessing from God or some kind of curse ... because I think I was beginning to develop a crush on her. I only know her online, and I -really- despise those "online romances" that seem to be running rampant these days. So I'm not sure if this is good or bad. The even more confusing thing is that, well, I think she might've returned it or whatnot ... and those readers out there who know me actually know that this in itself would have been a miracle.

I'm gonna try to go get a job tomorrow, so let's hope that pans out well. I'll tell you guys how I feel after the application tomorrow.

My sister leaves to go to Europe on about a week. She's visiting a half-dozen countries in a month. Lucky son of a ...

So that's where life stands. School's out, but I don't feel much better. A girl I could actually consider going out with is leaving me for two months. Even my sister gets to visit foreign countries over summer. And I don't even have a job.

So, on what's said about life ... I think it's this: Life screws you, but you love it anyway.