Sunday, September 21, 2003

Just as an FYI to all you non-existant readers out there, I'll be gone this weekend! I'm going on my first college tour to one of my primary choices ... Texas A&M. I'll be down there all weekend ... and hopefully it'll take my mind off of Amber for a bit.

Weekends are the hardest to deal with because I don't have stuff thrust in front of me to occupy my mind. Which means my mind keeps wondering back to her.

Anyway, mom's home! Gotta work on my Health stuff!!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

There's really nothing to say.

I've inserted myself back into my normal life. I attend school, go to band practices, and attend scout meetings.

But there's something missing.

It's Amber.

I want her here so bad ... I want to be there so bad ... I honestly don't understand how I managed to survive over 17 and a half years without her. That's over 6300 days. And with just a single day, I suddenly can't see how I survived all those other thousands. It really just makes no sense. I wish she was here to hug me, to hold my hand, to smile ... so I could just see those incredible eyes of hers. I'm just hoping I can somehow live until November, so I can see her again.

Important Upcoming Dates:
October 3, Friday: Homecoming Game
October 4, Saturday: Marching Festival (our first contest)
October 5, Sunday: My 18th birthday
October 6, Monday: Senior Information Night at school

... gonna be busy that weekend, huh?

Sunday, September 14, 2003

I'm back from Indiana but too happy and too sad to write here now ...

So I'll write later.

Wow, this is the shortest entry I've ever had! ^^

Thursday, September 11, 2003

This is going to be really short because I can't concentrate.

In approximately twenty-four teensy-weensy gigantic mega hours, I'll be driving out of my house, heading vaguely towards Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. From there, I get on a plane and fly to Indiana. Roughly twelve hours after landing, I'll be standing in front of a restaurant, smiling broadly, as a certain female walks towards me.

I think I'm gonna die! ^^

School is fine. Turned in an essay to my English teacher today. I'm not sure how good it is. Oh well!

I'll be leaving for the French Club party in a few minutes. Should be fun. I'll be leaving early so I can come back home and talk to ma petite amie for a bit. >< Whoo, I'm whipped!

Today's September 11th. The second anniversary. I'm really not sure how I feel about that. We had ... I think three moments of silence today. Which is almost overdoing it, if you ask me. It starts reverent, and then slowly gets less and less so ... to the point that one almost doesn't care any more. And I don't think that the goal is to desensitize people to one of our nation's greatest tragedies.

Anyway, shortness has expired!! Bye! ^^

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Wee!! Less than a week until I go up to Indiana!!


On Thursday, we have a football game to play at. Yeah, it'll suck. Like, getting back home at midnight and doing homework before getting ready to march at 6:15AM on Friday kind of suck. Yeah, that's pretty sucky, huh? Not something I'm looking forward to.

And then, on Friday, I come home and talk to my amante for about an hour or so before fixing myself some ramen for dinner and then my mother and I leave for the airport. Whoo!! And the plan leaves at 8:54 on the dot (HA! Yeah right), and then we land in Indiana two hours later. Then I wake up and get all ready for meeting her; the rising sun.

Wee, it's going to be a fun Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday ... I hope I live. x.x

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Been a few days!! So sorry!

So now that I've ranted several times about how I'm going to meet my amante and such ... I thought I'd take a short break and do some ranting on school.

Academic Decathalon is going interesting. Will be hard. Will be fun. Economics is incredibly difficult. Newspaper is amazing. Quite fun. A lot of interesting work ... love writing. English will be interesting. World History is amazing. I love that class. Band is not too bad; the director has let up on me a lot. However, the band as a whole is doing a lot worse than last year. 'Tis a shame. Psychology is very interesting ... very enjoyable.

Wow, that was boring. =p Now would you prefer that I write about my amante or about my school?? ^^