Tuesday, November 25, 2003

This is it.

Today I'm flying off into the wild blue yonder. Twenty four hours from now, I'll be sleeping in Indianapolis. Thirty six hours from now, I'll be holding my girl. Fourty eight hours from now, I'll be in her house.

It's a good feeling.

I hope she likes what I got her for her birthday. I think she will but ... I'm so dysfucntional at this kinda stuff that I'm not 100% sure that she would. She might expect something more like ... I dunno. Dating-y. Or something.

It's really cold. The temperature just dropped straight through the floor a couple days ago. Just ... BAM. First it was mid-50s, nice day out. Then, the next thing you know, it's upper 20s and the dog refuses to go outside to take care of his business 'cuz it's too dang cold. That teaches you something right there, when the -dog- refuses to go outside. Dogs are supposed to love the outside. I mean, they -live- there naturally. Crazed beasts.

Anyways, I need to make sure that all my nice warm clothing is packed and that I'll look nice for my girl. Expect an update here in a week or so, after I get back!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

More lateness. More me being a bad kid. ^^

I'm leaving on Tuesday. I meet up with Amber on Wednesday. I leave Indiana a week from tomorrow. Yeah ... long time.

School is being slugged through in a rather ... unwilling yet determined fashion. I'm slowly beating all my stuff. All As, except for a C in Economics. Blasted class. I hate it. But I'm rather happy with all my other classes!

Amber and I are really looking forward to next week. It's only three days away! Woohoo!!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Yeah yeah yeah. I'm a bad kid.

But I rubbed Sam outta the picture. >)

... anyway. I'm going back up to Indiana over Thanksgiving. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday thereof. Hopefully I'll be with Amber from Wednesday to Sunday, straight. If everything goes according to plan.

I think I've found something that I honestly wouldn't mind doing for the rest of my life. Career-wise, I mean! Psychology. Yeah, it's amusing because I have a friend who's in college, studying to be a psychologist, and I always made fun of her about it. You know, call her "psycho" and the like. And here I am, finding myself fascinated with it. I always was, to some degree ... but it's just incredibly interesting now.

Model United Nations is also good ... but I've never even mentioned it here before. I'm hoping we get better country selections at the next conference than we de at the last one. I was placed in Cameroon. >< Gack. How boring. I mean, they have -no- wait whatsoever in anything that they do. Y'know ... can't really push people around. I want to get Japan or a different WEOG nation at the next conference. That'd be great. I got nominated for Best Delegate somehow at this last one ... not really sure how. It's not like I could do anything besides like ... sit there and listen to the powerful nations. Oh well.

... I am -so- looking forward to Thanksgiving!