Saturday, January 03, 2004

Welcome, one and all. It's a new year.

New Year! Yay! [throws confetti and blows one of those little party favors thingies]


I still haven'tc ome up with any decent New Years resolutions. Besides some of the obvious retarded stuff like "Go to college" and "Graduate," etc. But that's probably because I haven't really sat down and focused on coming up with some decent resolutions. One of the ones I have thought up is that I'm going to maintain this blog, though. So here I am, trying to not be a lazy bum. Sort of.

I got to see Amber again over Christmas Break. That was actually a lotta fun, minus the circumstances surrounding my trip to Indy.

I got some nice anime and stuff for Christmas. And a laptop! But unfortunately the laptop hasn't arrived. But when I do get it, it should inspire me to do better about updating this blog and stuff. At least, I hope so. And the anime's great! Unfortunately, I started three new series (Final Fantasy Unlimited, Please! Teacher, and s-CRY-ed) even though I had made it my goal to not start any new series until I had finished up old ones. So now I've got to try my hardest to complete three other series I've started but not finished. .hack//sign will probably be the easiest to complete. I only need one more DVD. After that, I have Noir, Samurai Deeper Kyo, and Full Metal Panic that all have three DVDs in my possession. I think SDK only has a total of six DVDs, whereas the others have seven, so I will probably finish that first. And then I'll have trouble between Noir and FMP because both series are soooo good. I'm not sure which I would want to complete first. On the plus side, though, Please! Teacher is a really short series, so I should be able to get that pretty fast. There's only four DVDs, and all have been released. I don't have to wait for releases like I do for Hack, SDK, FMP, and Noir.

Wow, I did a lot of rambling about anime, huh? Oh well.

Merry New Years, all!!