Thursday, October 28, 2004

I've been busy these past couple of days. That's why I haven't been updating.

Psychology exam on Tuesday and a History quiz on Thursday (a week from today). Had to read a lot. Yay reading! If there's one thing I like more than studying, it's more studying! So I've done a lot of that. A -lot- of that.

Biology, by the by, sucks a nut. Big fat nut. I'm going through calculating my grades to figure out the bare minimums I need to make in order to get a D in the class. That's really sad. I've never had to do that before. I'm going to go have a talk with the professor next week to see if there's something wrong with the way I'm studying or something.

... I know all my friends in high school don't believe me. They're all thinking "Andrew? Study!? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha."


To which I say: Screw you! I -am- studying! It's just not helping any at all.

Amber's slightly stressed herself. She's writing an essay and having difficulty. The prof is being a real jerk about it too, evidently, so ... We've both been haggard lately.

Oh, hey. Anyone seen commercials for a game called "X-Men Legends?" I think it looks awesome. It's been out for a couple weeks ... available on XBox, PS2, and GCN. I'll probably be buying it either tomorrow or sometime this weekend and playing it off and on to give some relief on studying. I'll be sure to spatter my thoughts on the game in here. Not that you guys care, eh?

I'm still trying to figure out what anime I should buy from Amazon with my gift certificate. I have 75$ to spend, and just can't figure out which series I should splurge on. For those of you that don't speak anime DVD ... that's probably someone between 3 and 4 DVDs. I'm trying to figure out if I should work on Samurai Deeper Kyo or s-CRY-ed or a combination of Please Teacher! and Haibane Renmei. Which to do, which to do?

Anyway ... to conclude. One of the fun little things (ha!) I've decided to add is a random quote at the bottom of my post. It'll be just some random amusing quote I've heard from some tv show, anime, video game, around on campus, etc. You'll get a feel for it tonight! Yay for new and exciting things! ... right ... ?


"I ask for rich guy stuff and you give me shiny pebble?!" - Doctor Zoidberg ~ Futurama

Monday, October 25, 2004

Yeah, I realize you all think I abandoned this once again.

But I didn't. I've just been really, really busy.

But I guess that's what happens when you fly over 1,000 miles to be with the your most favorite person in the whole world. I swear I'm not going to get mooshy on you, though.

Amber and I did everything we planned on doing. That basically means we went to the Haunted House and to Cedar Point. I did, however, start feeling a little ill after riding a few coasters. I guess I'm just not used to it. My head was a little rattled around from all the bouncing and jerking. Of course, it was my first visit to Ohio and my first time to see any of the Great Lakes, so that's always a plus. I guess. Or something.

It started to rain some during the day. A few of the rides got shut down because of it, but I didn't care too much. Amber, however, started to cry because she wanted it to be perfect. Practically broke my heart ... I mean, whenever we get together, we want it to be perfect for each other, but we don't demand it or anything. Seeing her cry because of that was positively crushing. Made me really sad.

Sunday morning, of course, we played video games. We usually play interspersed throughout the trip, but we had so much road time for this vacation that we didn't have enough time for video games. So Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance it was. We played for several hours and finally completed the second stage. Yay for new items to buy. We had maxed out all our equipment in the second stage, so once we fought our way to the new merchant, we could finally get some upgrades. Woo!

And here I am ... sleep-deprived and slightly out of it. Desperately wanting to be back in Indiana, or perhaps Ohio. That would work, too.

I'm thinking about making some kind of standard format for this thing ... you know, commonly-appearing things on the blog that would be fun, amusing, or maybe just retarded.

Knowing me, it would be all three.

On that note, it's time for lunch. Woo yeah!


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well, the good news is that I think I almost learned all of biology. The bad news was that I didn't quite learn it all.

I took that Bio exam today. It was an awful lot like swinging ice picks directly at your eyes. It's strange. I -swear- that some of that stuff isn't covered either in the book or in the lectures. Here's hoping I get a better grade than I got in the last one, though. Not that it would be hard to get a better grade than that.

CSI is a pretty cool show. I watch two episodes of it every weekday. Fun stuff. I recognize most of the episodes because I would watch the show nightly in years past ... but I dunno what time it's on any more or any of that. But totally cool.

Anyhoo, I have a math exam tomorrow. That's totally sucky. But at least not as much as Biology.

So now I have two days off of my list ... only a few more to struggle through. Then the rest are easy. Then the last one is a bit of a struggle again. But that's usually the case, isn't it? Regardless, I'm a bit hungry, seeing howas it's almost 8:00 ... I'm going to go get a sandwich from The Common Denominator downstairs. Yay for cheap food.

So my schedule for this week:
Monday -- Learn all of Biology ::PARTIAL CHECK::
Tuesday -- Review for Math ::CHECK::
Wednesday -- Pack and Clean Up
Thursday -- Try not to get lost in Madisonville
Friday -- Make it to the airport in time, don't wet myself at the haunted house
Saturday -- Don't throw up on a roller coaster
Sunday -- Don't get left in Indiana, make it back in time for some actual sleep, try not to get lost in Madisonville again


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ha. I completely forgot about Aggie Bowl, the Texas A&M Quiz Bowl tournament. It was yesterday. Friday night my friend Joseph is like "Hey, you gonna help staff Aggie Bowl?" And I'm all "Huh?" So I was coerced into going along like a good little freshman.

I woke up at six freakin' thirty in the morning. I didn't even know there -was- a 6:30! The earliest I wake up for school is 10:15 on Tues-Thurs and somewhere between 11:30 and 12:30 on MWF. 6:30 is like ... Satan's hour. But I got up anyway, quickly pulled on some semi-dressy clothes, put on a tie, and stumbled down four flights of stairs for Joseph to wisk me off to the Wehner Building in West Campus.

After my arrival, they start tallying through all the staffers who showed up. We planned on having 12 staffers read through the questions so we could have twelve rooms going on at once. That way it doesn't take forever. Any left-over people would be scorekeepers. Yay for me being a scorekeeper! But wait ... what's that? We had about five people less than what we intended actually show up? Dangit ... Now I have to read. And I've never read before. And my forté is Whiz Quiz, not Quiz Bowl. I don't accurately understand all the rules. But that's okay; I can learn AS I DO IT IN A REAL LIVE CONTEST. Woohoo! Nothing like pressure to make the stress easier to bear, right? Right?!

Well, I didn't screw up too much. But I am utterly exhausted. Oh well.

You know the subject of Biology? Yeah, I have to learn all of it by Tuesday. Yes, -all- of the subject of Biology. My teacher sucks at actually teaching anything, but he gives good, hard tests. Yay for even more stress and pressure.

I did, however, just finish taking a math quiz. We're give 5 chances to take it, and each chance has a time limit of one hour. I finished the math quiz in under 15 minutes and I got 100% correct. That's pretty good, in case you didn't know. Which makes me feel a lot better about the math exam on Wednesday.

So my schedule for this week:
Monday -- Learn all of Biology
Tuesday -- Review for Math
Wednesday -- Pack and Clean Up
Thursday -- Try not to get lost in Madisonville
Friday -- Make it to the airport in time, don't wet myself at the haunted house
Saturday -- Don't throw up on a roller coaster
Sunday -- Don't get left in Indiana, make it back to school in time for some actual sleep, try not to get lost in Madisonville again

I'll try to keep the blog updated with my status on this schedule and goals and such.


Friday, October 15, 2004

I know. My New Year's Resolution was to update this blogger more. And what do I do? Neglect it for ten months. Hey, not everyone has the style and finesse I do!

... I'm not sure what that was supposed to mean.

Well, this is sort of my attempt at ... [shrug] I guess a way of killing time while in college. It's funny, you see. I always thought that, once I got into college, I would be so totally busy, I'd hardly ever have time to sit at the comp. But really, I do it much more than I ever did in high school. Funny how life works.

So, I'll probably be blogging more. Blame my friend Allison if you must. She's required to blog as a part of her job, and so ... she does! And it sort of inspired me. Or something. Hopefully, this will help me organize my thoughts and whatever other positive benefits there are to pouring out personal information to everyone on the internet.

Then again, everyone on the internet wouldn't WANT to read this blog. In fact, I imagine only about three of them would.

Yes, I'm that boring!

Anyway ... today would be a Friday. A week from today, I'll be in Indiana again. Yep, for the same reason! My dear girlfriend, Amber, is attending college up there whilst I am going to Texas A&M University. Fun stuff, neh? I will land in Ft. Wayne International Airport at 1:33 PM, so I will have been with her for about an hour and a half. We plan on going to Cedar Point, in Sandusky, Ohio ... it's the very first amusement park ever. And also it's one of the most highly acclaimed and popular one. I hope I enjoy that ... the last park I went to was Disney Land in Anaheim, California ... which is a really lame theme park. So I hope I don't chicken out when I go on a REAL roller coaster. How many of you out there have ever thrown up on your girlfriend? I certainly don't know what I'd do to get myself in her good graces after that, so here's hoping I hold my lunch.

Oh, another fun thing we're planning on doing ... a haunted house! She's never been to one, and the last time I went to one was in fifth grade. We did two back-to-back and well ... the first one made my pants damper, but the second one was boring. I'm hoping for an in-between here ... hopefully that'll be scary enough to not have us go to sleep, but not so scary that I have nightmares for a week or something. I never was good at those horror movies ... ...

Okay, a commercial keeps coming on tv ... for a video game called "Conflict Vietnam" or something. They play a song called "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones. Totally, totally sweet song. Each time the commercial comes on, I have to sing along with it. Really amazing how well songs can connect with you sometimes. Ah, well. I'm not sure why it does, but it manages to just wrap me up within it and ... it's ... just amazing, really. Ah well.

I've been in college for almost two months now. Two months! And still I haven't consumed a drop of alcohol or attending a single party. Actually, I take that back. A week ago today I had a "birthday party" with my friends. We went to Cheddar's, had some dinner, and then went to play some basketball. Not exactly the wild stereotypical college party, hm? But besides this one exception, I haven't gone to any parties.

I am, though, sort of invited to a party tonight. A friend of my suitemate invited me to her birthday party. I'm not exactly sure what her connection is to my suitemate, whether it be good friends or they're going out or ... whatever ...

... hey, that commercial's on again ... !

Anyway, I've been typing for long enough now. Almost twenty freakin' minutes. I seriously will try to update this on a semi-reasonable schedule, guys. =)