Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mood: Excited

So I haven't updated the blog in two weeks after I said I would start.

I've moved into the new apartment. I've been sleeping on a cot. It's wonderful. But I actually got some furniture this weekend. I currently have a desk in my study, a recliner, tv, bookshelf, and coffee table in the living room, and a dresser and nightstand in my bedroom. It's awesome. I feel like I actually live here!

While I was home for Angela's graduation (Congratulations to her) I met with a corgi breeder. I picked out a dog I liked, and I'm going to purchase him soon. She promised me she would hold him for me, so that's pretty cool. I took some pictures of him, so I'll post them here once I get them on my computer and online.

I'm a bit hungry. I really feel like I should try cooking here at my apartment more often, so that I can save a bit of money, and so I can actually learn some "life skills."

Also, I was hired at the MSC Bookstore. I'm going through training tomorrow, and start working on Thursday. It should be interesting ... I'm still trying to figure out if I'm excited or dreading it. I'm not really sure.

Short entry, because I'm trying to get stuff done around the apartment. Also, I don't have a quote to end today, so ... too bad!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mood: Slightly stressed?

Here it is, two years later. I have moved on from Xanga (that only lasted nine months). I've been wanting a blog back for a while now, but haven't ever really had the time to go about starting things up again. Hopefully now that school is out (for a couple weeks, at least) I will have time to try to get into some kind of "groove" with the whole blogging thing.

My Creative Writing teacher once said that the best thing to do if you want to write is to write every day. I want to write. I'll try to write every day.

I actually have a quote that goes along with that, but, alas, I cannot find my quotations dictionary. Perhaps I need to get a new one soon. I always did love quotes.

I'm going to be leaving the old posts up here. They're kind of ... from a darker period of my life, I suppose. As weird as it is to think of me having a darker period. Suffice it to say, I'm rather embarassed about them now, but at the same time, I believe it's important for me to keep them, in an effort to remember who I am and where I have been. It might not be the best thing for all my new friends (who can potentially find out about this blog) to read those old ideas of mine ... but perhaps it'll give them some clarity into my life. Either way, they are there. Not necessarily for the readers, but for me. I'm ashamed, but I also feel it is important to keep them.

I am packing up stuff to move into a new apartment. I'm moving into a new place, all by myself. I've never lived alone before. It's going to be interesting. I hope I don't get lonely. That is something I'm ... very concerned about. As it is, I hardly ever see my roommates, but that's partly because I'm hardly ever in my apartment. It's too messy. But if I get a new place, perhaps I'll stay there more (because, in theory, it'll be a thousand times cleaner). But if I'm in my new apartment more, with no one else there ... I'm afraid that I'll wither without human contact. (I like the word "wither." The sounds are cool. Almost like "cellar door.") That is part of the reason why I'm looking into purchasing a dog.

I like dogs. I like them very much. They are kind, always happy to see you, the most cheerful animals I have ever met. Man's best friend. Did you know that people who own dogs are less likely to die of stress-related factors than people who don't own dogs? Also, the people who own dogs report lower levels of stress in their life. And college students (like myself) are theoretically at the most stressful period in their life. Many studies have shown that people consider college to be the most stressful time in their life. So I think it's a good idea for all college students (or almost all) to be issued a dog with their acceptance letter.

Welsh Corgis are the best. I'm looking into getting one of those. It's been stressful just trying to find one. (Ironic. Just the paragraph above I talked about how dogs are supposed to LOWER the stress.) For those of you who don't know what a Corgi looks like ... http://www.houstonpembrokes.org/images/flowers_ind.jpg ... Everyone, please keep your fingers crossed, I want to try to get the dog in about a month's time. This would allow me a few months to train and socialize the dog before school start's up in August, and I might have to cut back on the amount of time spent with the dog.

I need to go. Tara just got off work, so we must try to do some packing before we get dinner.

"I hate kids and pets! They're all a royal pain in the butt!" - Spike Spiegal, Cowboy Bebop